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Role plays and simulation
What is it: Role play and simulations are forms of experiential learning (Russell & Shepherd, 2010). Learners take on different roles, assuming a profile of a character or personality, and interact and participate in diverse and complex learning settings. [UNSW]
Assessing with Role Play and Simulation
  1. Teacher rubric for role-play task
  2. Student rubric for role-play task
  • The Assessment for Learning website has been developed by Curriculum Corporation on behalf of the education departments of the States, Territories and Commonwealth of Australia. The rubrics may require some modification to suit a higher education context.
 Simulation: newborn assessment - birthing simulation using plastic models - also accessible on YouTube
  • UTS - Midwifery simulation:
    UTS Midwifery academics use "Sim NewB", a high fidelity health simulation mannequin, to demonstrate assessment techniques across a variety of newborn scenarios.
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