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Book reviews
What is it: A book review is a critical assessment of a book. It describes and evaluates the quality and significance of a book and does not merely summarise the content. A book review is written for a reader (lecturer, tutor or fellow student) who is knowledgeable in the discipline and is interested not just in the coverage and content of the book being reviewed, but also in a critical assessment of the ideas and argument that are being presented by the author.
Writing a critical book review
  • From the Academic Skills & Learning Centre Division of Student Life at ANU
Sample book review
  • From Monash University
A book review rubric
  • This resource is provided by iRubric at Rcampus Ontario, Canada (to edit the rubrics you must register). Students chose a book to read independently and then review. The review incorporates information about the book's characters, setting, plot, genre, theme, and writing style. Students will decide which type of book report they would like to do: paper, powerpoint, website, imovie, or performance.
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Avondale College of Higher Education | CRICOS: 02731D |