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What is it: In photography composition is the arrangement of parts of a scene to form a particular visual outcome. Composition can also be about picking a viewpoint to form a pleasing visual outcome. In practical terms, the photog[rapher]  tends to use both “arrangement” and “choice of viewpoint”. In general composition aims to direct the viewer to see the point of the photograph. The “point” may simply be an aesthetically pleasing scene, or something containing a more complex story. Even a visually disturbing or discordant outcome are the result of efforts in composition. [source].
[Article] Reframing assessments for the University of the Future
  • This paper proposes the use of visual assessment methods for students in the social sciences at the University of the Future.
[Article] Using Photographs to Assess Equity Climate: A Taxonomy
  • Banning, Middleton, & Deniston, (2008) - Do a PrimoSearch for this article to get the full text
[Article] Teaching with Objects & Photographs... Supporting and Enhancing Your Curriculum
  • Indiana University - Mathers Museum of World Cultures
    Teaching with photographs follows the same three basic steps used in teaching with objects: description, classification, and interpretation. There are some important differences in how these steps are carried out... (section 7, pg19. Note: This article may also be useful for rubric creation.
Copyright guide for students
Sample Rubric for Assessing Photographs
  • Lanley College -
    Offers a sample rubric and more, including
    a method of alignment of assessment to course objectives.
Composition (photographic aesthetics)
  • Netkonnexion - Note: This descriptive piece on photography and image composition may be helpful in considering the attributes to be used in assessment using photographs and or rubric composition.
[Article] Photographic assessment of the appearance of chronic pressure and leg ulcers
[Article] The use of photographs in operations management research
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  • Note: These guidelines have been designed to provide a quick reference guide to copyright issues affecting Avondale College of Higher Education. They are not intended to provide a detailed response to specific questions or legal advice. Conditions for use of copyright material may vary for staff members and students. For answers to specific copyright questions please use Copyright Help.
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